Pete Hodgson

Software Delivery Consultant

TickTock: A dirt-simple stopwatch class for actionscript

March 9, 2010

I just threw together a really straightforward stopwatch class, for use when profiling operations in ActionScript code. You can either use it in an old-skool procedural way:
var tt:TickTock = new TickTock();
trace( "That took "+tickTock.elapsedTimeInMilliseconds+" millisconds" );
or in a fancy-pants, functional, closure-y way:
var tt:TickTock = TickTock.measure( function(){
trace( "That took "+tickTock.elapsedTimeInMilliseconds+" millisconds" );
Being primarily a ruby guy, I prefer the fancy-pants approach ;) The class, along with a little sample app, is up on GitHub now.